The Health Benefits of Ballroom Dancing – Orange County, CA

Ballroom Dancing Orange County Health Benefits:

Ballroom dance is a wonderful way for people from all walks of life to exercise, enjoy, laugh, express emotions, connect withyour self and with your dancing partner.

Ballroom dancing is the perfect combination of physical activity, mental stimulation, and partner connection.

In terms of exercise, it’s a great workout; the physical act of dancing releases endorphins, lowers the levels of stress hormones in our bodies and promotes relaxation, memory enhancement, alertness, awareness, focus, and concentration.

Better Health Channel states the following about Dance Benefits, There are many forms of dance, from ballroom to barn dancing and disco to Morris dancing. Dance has always been a part of human culture, rituals and celebrations. Today, most dancing is about recreation and self-expression, although it can also be done as a competitive activity. Dancing is an enjoyable way to be more physically active and stay fit. Dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. It has a wide range of physical and mental benefits including:

Orange County dancing lessonsaerobic fitness increases
increased endurance, motor fitness, and muscular strength
improved heart and lungs condition
improved muscle tone and strength
spatial awareness and balance improves
reduced risk of osteoporosis and stronger bones
better coordination and flexibility
weight management
increased physical confidence
improved mental functioning
improved well-being psychologically
greater self-esteem and self-confidence 
improved social skills and connections


Dancing is a wonderful outlet for self-expression and creativity; it allows you to release your emotions and thoughts through those artistic moves. And the most incredible, it’s FUN!!

Concentrating on moving your body to the beat of the music instantaneously takes you out from your regular mental, emotional and physical state, to a world of music, movement, joy and flow.

After only a few lessons, you will start to find yourself moving more and more seamlessly through your dance steps, while you get lost in the music.

You will discover a beautiful rhythm your body may have been hiding all this time from you.


Written by: Carlos