Engagement Photoshoot Location Ideas

If you’re reading this then a really big congratulations for your engagement is in order! You’re engaged! Now it’s time to take those beautiful engagement photos. Get your nails done, your hair done, and get that beautiful outfit ready! But where are you going to take these beautiful engagement pictures? Below you will find a list of engagement photoshoot location ideas!

First off on this list is a classic, the beach! Go to the beach right around sunset time and capture those beautiful engagement photos. There might be hidden beaches around so try to search for one of those hidden gems. Those hidden beaches are usually more secluded and it gives you the perfect opportunity to have that moment with your fiancé to take these photos that you will cherish forever. Also, if you’re plan accordingly, you can also be their right at golden hour and add even more magic to your photos!

Sticking with locations with bodies of water, next on this list is the lake. A lake is an amazing place to take your engagement photos. With the glimmering water behind you and all of nature surrounding you, it will make for an amazingly wonderful photoshoot! If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even get inside the late and just have fun with those photos! No doubt the results will be incredible!

Another idea for an engagement photoshoot location is at a waterfall! Waterfalls are these stunning creations of nature and their beauty is one to be taken advantage of! What screams romance more than a waterfall glimmering behind you while you take these pictures. Again, just like with the lake, if you are feeling adventurous, you can even get in the waterfall and make for some even more magical pictures!
Botanical Garden

Next up on this list is a personal favorite, and that is a botanical garden! In these botanical gardens there are so many opportunities to capture those beautiful engagement pictures with you and your partner! At these botanical gardens you can find stunning flowers, all kinds of different greenery, and if you’re lucky, the garden you visit has waterfalls too! The possibilities and the beauty would be endless for your picture perfect moment!

Last on this list is the city! The city is more of a busier place for an engagement photoshoot but they also provide the opportunity to capture some amazing shots! You could take a picture where a beautiful building is the back drop! Or you can also find your way onto the rooftop of a building in the city and capture the moment up in the sky!
Here at Bella Ballroom in Orange County, California, we’ve seen amazing couples with amazing dances and photos, which makes us confident that wherever you choose, your picture will no doubt be absolutely incredible!