Interview with ‘Breaking Dawn’ Wedding Dance Choreographer

Wedding Dance film choreography
The online magazine, Fans, offered an interview last week with the dance choreographer for the Twilight film, “Breaking Dawn” with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson. Paul Becker, the choreographer for the film, talked about rehearsals for the wedding dance scene. While Kristin Stewart was supposed to be portraying the clumsy one in the dance, Becker claims it was actually Pattinson who found it difficult. Becker told Hollyscoop, “At first it was actually Rob [Pattinson] that was stepping on Kristen’s toes and not the other way around…In the movie she’s supposed to be a bad dancer, but Kristen took charge and let Rob know who is boss…they were supportive partners and quick learners.”
I will be honest, I haven’t seen the film. How did their wedding dance look?