New Years Resolutions for Newlyweds
As 2022 comes to an end, people all over start to think up their new year’s resolutions. The new year can bring new opportunities, new adventures and a new you; if that’s what you want! For couple’s who recently married in the year of 2022, this will be your first New Years as a married couple. Why not make it something special? You may have your own resolutions that you’ve made for the new year, why not make a few to share between you both? This can be a fun and healthy way to try new things moving into your first year married. Being married can be quite the adjustment, so maybe a few resolutions might be a good idea to learn more about each other! Here are a few simple ideas to get you brainstorming on your own!

1. Try a new hobby together!
It’s safe to assume the two of you have some similar interests, you are married after all, but why not branch out a little? Try something new! This will be most fun if you both are having to learn something, we don’t just mean pick up your spouse’s hobby as your own. Although that can be fun too, having to learn something together can bring you two closer together! Here at Bella Ballroom, we see a lot of different clients come in for all kinds of different reasons! Some of our favorites are couples who just want to learn something new. Maybe both of you can dance, maybe neither of you have a rhythm bone; either way it’s totally okay! Taking a private dance lesson together can bring out your goofiness, your romantic side and overall would be great for bonding. Come dance with us for date night!

2. 30 Minutes unplugged
Let’s be honest, in the year of 2022 gearing up for 2023, technology has a very strong grip on all of us. It can become easy to get into a flow of things that can cause separation between couples. After a long day of work, most people opt to wind down by watching TV, scrolling on their phones or playing video games. While these are all great ways to relax and destress from your day to day life, we don’t want to be too engulfed in these things to the point of unintentionally neglecting our partners. Set a plan, pick a day or days of the week that work for the both of you, and schedule in at least 30 minutes together off the devices. Talk about life, work, friends anything really. Just be together and dwell in each other’s company without any distractions or obligations. If sitting and talking just isn’t for you, maybe this would be a good opportunity to find some board games you both will like, or paint something together. Whatever it is you choose to do, just make it intentional to be present with each other in this time. Don’t make excuses to get out of this either, stick to it and see how beneficial this can be!

3. Plan a vacation!
Facing the facts; times are tough. We all are doing the best we can to make ends meet, and sometimes we feel like all we ever do is work and sleep. Our bodies require breaks in order to function properly. Plan that vacation and stick to the plan. No more putting it off, no more talking and not taking action. You both deserve this, so make it happen. This doesn’t need to be some extravagant, fly across the globe event. Keeping realism in mind, if money is tight you can still have a vacation with simplicity. The point is that you do something together away from work and life, to enjoy something new. This may even mean a weekend staycation just a little ways away from home. Whatever it is that you can realistically manage, do it! Now get those planners out!

4. Make date night a habit
When was the last time you two went out on a proper date? Some of you might be able to answer that question, while others can’t even remember because of how long it’s been. Sometimes life get’s too busy to think about going on a date. Post pandemic a lot of couples have even given up on proper dates because we are all so used to just ordering in now. While nights in are still fun, that’s not very different than any other night. Make it a point to start dating again, and never stop dating. The frequency of which you do this would entirely be up to you and your lifestyles; whether it’s once a week, or once a month. Either way, be intentional with setting these up and stick to them.

5. Be mindful of the little things
When we are with someone for long periods of time, especially living together, it becomes easy to forget how important doing the little things can be. Add emphasis onto doing little gestures to put a smile on each other’s faces. Whether this be to make each other coffee in the morning, pop the towel in the drier before showers or simply BUYING THOSE FLOWERS. Simple little gestures often referred to as the little things to one person, might be something really big to other people. You never know just how much you might make or break someone’s day just by one small act. In a relationship you should always be looking for ways to make each other happy, so keep this in mind as you go through your day.

When we are with someone for long periods of time, especially living together, it becomes easy to forget how important doing the little things can be. Add emphasis onto doing little gestures to put a smile on each other’s faces. Whether this be to make each other coffee in the morning, pop the towel in the drier before showers or simply BUYING THOSE FLOWERS. Simple little gestures often referred to as the little things to one person, might be something really big to other people. You never know just how much you might make or break someone’s day just by one small act. In a relationship you should always be looking for ways to make each other happy, so keep this in mind as you go through your day.