
Dance Lifts and Dips

January 18, 2015 by

Lift, Dip, and Dazzle! Dance lifts and dips are two elements of ballroom and latin dancing that can be both very exciting and scary. Here at Bella Ballroom we have the pleasure of working with many wedding couples who are non-dancers but want to impress their…

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Baby Boomer Dances

Baby Boomer Dances: Competitive Ballroom Dancing

January 17, 2015 by

Reading an article about new trends, I came about an article that talked about the sudden inclination of the baby boomer generation to enter in competitive ballroom dancing. Once children grow up and leave the house, it is easier for couples to focus on dancing,…

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taking dance classes when you're single

Taking Dance Classes When You’re Single

January 11, 2015 by

Being single and having the urge to learn how to partner dance can be a rather daunting idea for some, however it does not need to be this way. At Bella Ballroom, our passion is teaching dance. This means we have a passion for teaching…

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choosing a first dance song

Choosing a First Dance Wedding Song

January 10, 2015 by

Many clients find Bella Ballroom when looking for a dance studio to fulfill all their wedding needs in terms of creating a wildly successful first dance. While some students are wholly organized and undoubtedly decided, there are others who are not so decided. Sometimes, it…

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Thinking Out Loud Wedding First Dance Song

January 8, 2015 by

When Bella Ballroom studio owner Jennelle called out “Thinking Out Loud” by Ed Sheeran as the next popular wedding dance song I thought, “She’s probably right.” You may think that I’m making this up, but since I started this article five minutes ago, an inquiring…

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top wedding songs first dance

Top Wedding Dance Songs of 2014

December 31, 2014 by

Here at Bella Ballroom, we’ve had a great time working with many wedding couples that tied the knot this year. As 2015 begins, we can take a look back at the songs that really shaped the weddings, memories, and dances of 2014. After some research…

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History of Foxtrot in Southern California

History of Foxtrot in Southern California

December 23, 2014 by

Foxtrot’s Start in Southern California – A Brief History While social dance is very popular in Southern California, most may not know that Foxtrot beginning’s stemmed out of Pomona, California. Wait, what? The Foxtrot is from Los Angeles?! Well, not quite; but the dance’s instigator…

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Never Too Old to Dance

December 21, 2014 by

Dancing is a sport most believe to be impossible to enter if you didn’t start dancing at 3 years old. There are certain styles that are definitely difficult to learn at an older age, as your body has not been manipulated to move in those…

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how to get asked to dance

How to Get Asked To Dance

December 19, 2014 by

Social dancers who are new to a dance scene or club may have a harder time knowing how to get asked to dance. Without having an existing reputation or being a familiar face in a new dance setting, follows (and leads) can have a trickier time…

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